Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Well the semester has started and now that I've had most of my classes I think I should update and let you all know what they are all about.
This class is about designing. And learning how to stay up late. My TA from last semester, Marie-Andree, is the professor for my section, and she's really good, so I should learn a lot. She's kinda hard though- we are the only section that has mandatory readings from this architecture urbanist-theorist guy already. On the first day. We also have a studio assignment, where we have to analyze a piazza and basically figure out what makes a successful public space, which I think we will extrapolate into our projects later.
This class seems prettty cool. The Professor started at the beginning and expects work, but no great things immediately, which is nice. And he's good at explaining the basics and trying to get us to show the feeling of the space. I have to do a sketch of a piazza for that by next class.
Haven't had it yet, that's tomorrow. But I've heard it's a heckuva lot of walking and reading.
This class is pretty cool, since it's divided between lectures and then going out and walking to sites. The professor is a little weird and laughs at everything, but she really knows her stuff, especially the arcane bits and pieces. The other day we went through Rome and looked at bits and pieces of Egyptian stuff in Rome, like a cat on the prime minister's house and a foot from a big statue that used to be standing in the Temple of Isis before it was destroyed umpteen years ago.

So, so far I've had lots of reading and sketching, and less free time than I thought. But it's been great so far, and aside from the crazy cars, I love Roma.


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